Have you tried EVERYTHING to help overcome your constipation, stubborn bloat, & other gut distresses, but NOTHING is working?

(I've been there...)
Parasites are likely your problem.
Here's your next step:

Receive $100 off Discount Before Time is Up!

                  (ONLY $127 right now!)

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This bundle explores the ins and outs about how to purge parasites to help overcome your constipation, stubborn bloat, gut dysbiosis, and many other health issues. Read on for more insight!
Not sure if you have parasites?

Ask yourself: "Do I have any of the following symptoms?"

- Bloating
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Weight Gain or Loss
- Food Cravings
- Loss of Appetite
- Fatigue
- Food Sensitivities, especially Dairy
- Anxiety
-Skin Issues
- Sleep Issues
- Brain Fog
 - Anemia
- Teeth Grinding
- Migraines
- Autoimmune-related Symptoms

Parasites are EVERYWHERE and if you have a pulse, you have a parasite.

This Bundle Will Help you Target these Terrible Critters.
(Valued at $1373):

Here's How for ONLY $127

The Who's, What's, and Where's About Parasites ($99 value!): This is SUCH a new topic for so many. What do I mean when I say parasites? Where can you get them? How do you know that you have them? Where can they live in the body? All of these questions are answered to give you the full picture you deserve to know.

The Most Effective Anti-Parasitic Protocols ($399 value!): When you begin the hunt, there are more anti-parasitic remedies or cleanses than there are cereals! And most of them are ineffective. I've compiled a list of the most effective anti-parasitic protocols I've discovered (and trialed) over the past 10 years and how to use them.

What to Expect When You Start Parasite Cleansing ($199 value!): Parasites are NOT easy to remove. They are living creatures trying to survive and never just fall out of the body, unless killed off. When they DO start dying, there are signs to look out for!

Stubborn Parasites and How to Remove Them ($299 value!): Long-term constipation, bloat, gut dysbiosis, and other chronic health issues need another mode of attack, when it comes to helping the body to heal. Mucoid plaque and biofilm are two substances that create parasite resistance and chronic disease hardly anyone is talking about! This bundle teaches you how to eradicate them for good and get your health back - this is KEY!

A Comprehensive List of the Best Anti-Parasitic Foods ($149 value!): While there are foods that feed parasites, there are also foods that help eliminate them. In this bundle, I provide not anti-parasitic foods, but also an entire shopping list of foods to eat while parasite cleansing. These also aid in better digestion overall!

BONUS Recipes to Indulge in While Eliminating Parasites ($129 value!): Figuring out what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner can be a challenge. Included are several of my favorite, parasite-busting recipes that fuel your body, satisfy your palate, and SOOTHE your gut. 
Future Exposure ($99 value!): Once you've eradicated most of your parasites, it is important not to load your body back up with them! Although parasite cleansing needs to be maintained annually, there are ways to limit exposure to keep your health strong and remaining that way! 

What You May See If You Use the Tools Within This Bundle...

The day to start is TODAY, not SOME DAY... 

The longer you wait, the worse off health can become. 

(I've seen it happen time and time again!)

Sign up below and get a JUMP START on your health!

Commonly Asked Questions:

Can I Have More Than Just One Parasite?
Absolutely. Most people have several types, ranging from microscopic to macroscopic, or visible to the naked eye.

Why isn't My Body Taking Care of These Parasites?
We have a toxicity epidemic and, therefore, a parasite epidemic. Our bodies are just unable to handle the daily toxic load, no matter how hard we try; toxins are everywhere! Parasites love these kinds of environments, so many people have them.

What Happens if I Don't Remove My Parasites?
Parasites are causing a multitude of health issues (see list above) and if they are not addressed, I've seen more toxic build-up, more diagnoses, and more issues, overall. It's important to address these properly. This bundle will help with that!

Will Removing these Parasites Resolve All of My Problems?
No - remember that parasites are a problem because of toxins, but while detoxing is another key part in helping the body to heal, parasites do also need to be specifically targeted, in order to remove them.

How Do I Know I Won't Get Any More?
Parasite cleansing becomes a routine habit, once the first long-term parasite cleanse is completed (the first time is always the longest). Parasites show up time and time again, so maintenance parasite cleansing has been adapted by several who have taken these anti-parasitic measures.

Is There Anything Else I Can Do, To Help My Gut Issues?
Certainly! Drainage and detoxification are other KEY aspects toward helping the body overcome IBS & chronic health issues. If you are unsure about how to do this, click the link here: https://bit.ly/47VDu1j

You can also reach out to Nicole, The Gut Detox Coach, at thegutdetoxcoach@gmail.com, to inquire about working with her, for a more targeted approach.

Is Nicole a Doctor?
NO. Nicole is not acting in place of a medical professional. Please consult with your primary care physician regarding any health advice and detox protocols.

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Special one-time offer, only $200 ($1000 Value)!
Parasite cleansing can be a painstaking process, even with the right steps! If you feel hesitant or uncertain about doing this alone, let Nicole help you!

Nicole's guided hand and support will help ease your anxiety, avoid any mistakes or barriers, and expedite the process of overcoming your chronic constipation, bloat, gut pain, and other health issues!

Take advantage of this offer because once this bundle is purchased, the price goes back to $1000!

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  • 1xAnti-Parasite Bundle$127

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